mussels with smoked garlic & chives
30 mins
A classic dish, ideal as a starter for two or main for one.
The Ingredients
½ medium onion, very finely chopped 1 shallot, chopped 1 clove smoked garlic, crushed 15g butter 2tbsp finely chopped chives 75ml water 75ml dry white wine 2tbsp double cream 450g/1lb mussels Salt and freshly ground black pepper Extra chopped chives to garnish |

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The Method
- Sweat the onion and shallots in the butter for 10-15 mins, add the garlic and fry 1 minute.
- Add half the chives, the water and wine and bring to the boil, simmer for 5 minutes.
- Clean the mussels: throw away any with cracked or broken shells and any that remain open when tapped, pull off the beards and remove any barnacles.
- Give them a thorough wash in lots of cold water.
- Add the mussels to the onion mixture, cover and steam gently for 5 minutes or until all the mussels have opened.
- Throw away any mussels that remain closed, tip into a colander set over a bowl and return the liquid to the saucepan
- Add the cream and boil to reduce the liquid to syrupy consistency (keep the mussels warm while this is happening).
- Check the seasoning and put the mussels into serving dishes, pour over the sauce and scatter the remaining chives over the top.