Venison Saddle, balsamic vinegar, wild mushrooms & braised red cabbage
60 mins
Game at it's finest, paired with beautiful Autumnal ingredients
The Ingredients
Venison saddle meat approx 2 x 170g For the cabbage: 100g red cabbage, finely sliced For the sauce: 100ml good meat stock Handful of mixed wild mushrooms ½ glass port 20 ml orange juice Knob of butter |

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The Method
- Pre-heat the oven to 180C.
- Put the cabbage, vinegar, apple, cinnamon, juniper, sugar, zest, and red wine in a saucepan.
- Add some salt and pepper and cover with a lid. Place on the stove over a low heat and cook slowly until the cabbage is tender, about 30 minutes.
- Meanwhile, start the sauce. Combine the stock, port, orange juice and wild mushrooms in a saucepan and boil until the volume of liquid has reduced by two-thirds.
- Now heat a frying pan on the stovetop. Season the venison saddles, then place in the hot pan and seal on all sides. Transfer to the oven for 6-7 minutes, then remove and set aside to rest.
- To finish the sauce add the balsamic vinegar and whisk in the butter and adjust the seasoning to taste.
- Place the cabbage on the plates.
- Carve each portion of venison into three or four slices and arrange them over each portion of cabbage.
- Spoon the sauce over and serve.